Acquired Brain Injury Physiotherapy

We work with children who have experienced an acquired or traumatic brain injury to reach their full potential.

Neurological Conditions

What is an Acquired Brain Injury?

Brain injuries in children result in a sudden disruption to the usual developmental process, often resulting in lifelong difficulties. The age of the child at the time of injury impacts on the recovery process due to the effect of the damage to the developing brain, with younger children often having a more significant impairment.

  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Stroke
  • Brain Haemorrhage
  • Non-Accidental Injury

Our Paediatric physiotherapists provide treatment for clients with mild to severe brain injury, tailored to the child’s age and developmental stage. Brain Injuries can result in complex physical, cognitive and psychological difficulties requiring a coordinated interdisciplinary approach. At PaedsPhysio, we work with the child, care givers and other professionals involved to provide targeted, meaningful therapy, support and interventions including:

  • Comprehensive assessment and identification of needs, with particular focus on activity and participation at home and school.
  • Family centred goal setting.
  • Hands on treatment to promote balance, coordination, muscle strength and motor control.
  • Management of abnormal muscle tone and / or loss of range of motion– intensive intervention following a period of serial casting, botulinum toxin injections or surgery.
  • Management of fatigue.
  • Provision of a daily home programme for parents and care givers to continue with advice to optimise outcomes.
  • Promotion of physical activity and return to school.
  • Sign posting to local sport’s groups and / or disability sports.
  • Recommendation of specialist equipment to promote function and postural alignment. This may include walkers, standing frames, seating, and sleep systems.
  • Monitoring and treatment of secondary orthopaedic changes.
a happy child is running with a backpack 2023 11 27 05 08 40 utc