Paediatric Neuro Physiotherapy

Empowering rehabilitation for children with complex needs following catastrophic and serious neurological injuries.
Physiotherapy for Children

Your Partner in Paediatric Neurological Injury Rehabilitation.

At PaedsPhysio, we specialise in providing comprehensive physiotherapy services for children following Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Injury, diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy and children with other neurological conditions. We understand the complex nature of these cases and the critical role that case managers and personal injury solicitors have in referring and advocating for these young clients and their families.

Let’s Work Together!

Our Paediatric Physiotherapy team provides the highest standard of rehabilitation which delivers life changing results, whilst supporting the litigation process. Get in touch to see how we can help your clients.

Why Instruct PaedsPhysio?
Legal cases involving children with neurological injuries can be overwhelming and complex. We have an experienced team well-versed in the nuances of working as part of an interdisciplinary team during litigation. We’ve put in place robust support systems to assist you as their case manager, and the litigation team. Our objective is to alleviate stress and uncertainty, offering the expertise and support required to guide the child’s progress and improve overall outcomes.
Our primary mission is to optimise a child’s progress and enhance their quality of life. We offer a range of specialised physiotherapy services designed to maximise their functional abilities, ensuring that every child can reach their full potential.
We understand the demands that come with caring for children who have neurological challenges. To make the process as smooth as possible, we provide flexible intervention options in various community locations. Our goal is to ensure convenience for both you and the children you represent.
We offer an extensive range of neurological interventions, including traditional consultations for infants and children in the community. Additionally, our services encompass specialised treatments like hydrotherapy and intensive neuro rehabilitation packages. We’re equipped to support children who require interventions such as Botulinum Toxin Injections, Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy Surgery, or Orthopaedic Surgery.
Beyond therapy, we’re committed to creating opportunities for children to engage in physical activities and interact with their peers. We can help children access disability sports opportunities, meet their physical activity needs, and foster engagement in group activities.
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Get in touch

Contact us to discuss how we can help to support the rehabilitation and well-being of children and young people with neurological impairments.