Experts in rehabilitation for children with orthopaedic injuries, after planned surgery or following amputation.

Orthopaedic Trauma Physiotherapy for Children

At PaedsPhysio, we specialise in providing compassionate and effective rehabilitation for children who have experienced complex orthopaedic injuries, including fractures, ligamentous injuries, and amputations.

Our team of expert children’s physiotherapists is dedicated to working with you and your child, ensuring a supportive and collaborative approach to recovery. We design personalised physiotherapy programmes that integrate into your child’s daily life. Our commitment extends to providing support in educational environments, working alongside kids, parents, school staff and caregivers to involve everyone in the rehabilitation process.

Our comprehensive assessments for children with complex orthopaedic problems are based on each child’s unique needs. PaedsPhysio’s goal-directed programmes are crafted to empower both children and their families to actively participate in the physiotherapy process, aiding in regaining functional independence and physical activity. We work closely with other professionals in your child’s multidisciplinary team, ensuring a thorough and holistic understanding of their needs.

Let’s Work Together!
Contact our friendly team today to see how we can help your child.
Where We Fit In

Our initial assessments are thorough, encompassing clinical evaluation, objective measurement of abilities, equipment needs, and a detailed plan for recommended physiotherapy intervention frequency. We maintain detailed records, including regular photographic and video documentation, to track your child’s progress, with regular updates and comprehensive reports to keep you fully informed.

Our experienced team has a wide range of expertise in rehabilitating various orthopaedic injuries such as:

We understand that each child’s needs are unique, especially in complex trauma cases, and we tailor our services to adapt to their evolving needs. Our approach includes helping children understand their injuries, providing pre- and post-surgical interventions to maximize outcomes, and offering ongoing rehabilitation to support participation in chosen activities.

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Get in touch
Contact us today to learn how PaedsPhysio can help your child’s rehabilitation.