Who We help

Specialist paediatric physiotherapy for babies, children and young people.

Children’s Physiotherapists at PaedsPhysio are specialists in working with babies and children of all ages.

The effect of a catastrophic injury at birth or as a young person can be devastating for the child and their family. All aspects of the young person’s life can be impacted upon and a growing child presents challenges beyond their diagnosis, with ongoing changes relating to the impact of a developing brain and skeletal system on a pre-existing condition. It’s therefore important that as the child grows and develops so does the treatment approach. Our paediatric physiotherapists are responsive to the ever-changing needs of the child and their family.

Baby Playing
Babies and Infants

The rate of change in babies and infants in terms of their development is huge. A newborn baby cannot support their own head or move out of their position, but by around their first birthday has learnt to move in and out of different positions, crawl and walk independently.

PaedsPhysio’s Children’s Physiotherapists are experts in working with babies who have suffered birth trauma, or neurological incidents that affect the typical pattern of early development and the way a baby learns to move, for example Cerebral Palsy or Obstetric Brachial Plexus Palsy.

We guide parents and carers to encourage their baby’s movement to optimise their function and may use specialist equipment as an adjunct to therapy. Advice and recommendations can be integrated into the baby’s daily routine to make this more achievable and an integral part of their day. Our specialist Paediatric Physiotherapy team work with parents and carers to help promote motor skill development, provide advice on positioning and to reduce the adverse effects from adoption of a limited repertoire of positions.


Toddlers become increasingly aware of themselves and their surroundings, with key developmental milestones in how they play, speak, behave, learn and move.

Paediatric Physiotherapists have excellent knowledge of normal development and how the child’s neurological, muscular and skeletal system changes through key periods of growth and development. We are able to recognise abnormalities in gait patterns such as in-toeing, out-toeing or toe walking, and provide guidance of how to manage a child who may not be moving appropriately for their age.

The treatment approach may be more rotted in play and providing training and education for the family or care team to support the child as they move through their first few years.

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Young Children

As the child moves into the pre-teen years, children’s physiotherapists may increasingly work with education staff, in addition to the child and their parents. Secondary consequences of the initial injury may start to become apparent, and families often need greater support to understand the impact of the injury on the child’s future.

Young children are generally more able to participate in or respond to a specific exercise programme. Depending on the age of the child, this will usually involve fun games to achieve the desired outcomes in terms of muscle strength and function. Paediatric Physiotherapists can also provide advice and signposting to appropriate physical activities, clubs and sports that may further benefit their physical and psychological well-being.

Teenagers & Young Adults

Through the teenage years the young person may desire increasing choice and control over managing their condition, which often needs to be handled carefully alongside the child’s parents and care team. It’s natural at this time to start thinking about the teenager’s future which can necessitate difficult conversations which need to be handled skilfully.

Our physiotherapists will capture the voice of each teenager to ensure that therapy is collaborative, motivational and goal directed. Teenagers may prefer physiotherapy interventions to be in a different environment to the home such as at a gym or within the context of a sport or activity.

PaedsPhysio is well placed to help young people transition from children to adult services. As part of Physio4You, our children’s physio team can enable a seamless transfer of services to our NeuroPhysio or TraumaPhysio teams who can support young people into their adult lives.

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Get in touch

Discover how our approach can make a difference for your young clients, addressing their unique challenges at various ages and with different conditions.